Belimo ZoneEase

All system data is stored in the cloud, access to this data is safeguarded with a user account and password protection.

The advanced VAV solution Belimo ZoneEase on BACnet or MSTP simplifies commissioning. The compact controller and room unit are NFC enabled. As it has app based programming and commissioning the system integrator enters and uploads all configurations sitting in their office to the BELIMO cloud, the installer’s login and download all configurations to their smar t phones at site and then transfer the configurations at the touch of the smartphone to the NFC enabled compact controller or room unit. All system data is stored in the cloud, access to this data is safeguarded with a user account and password protection. ZoneEase VAV is made traceable from the moment it leaves the factory, allowing customers to instantly monitor progress. It brings ease at each level for the VAV manufacturer, installer, integrator and user.

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